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What do we eat at home?

cheese on toast

Lee & Perrins? No need

In the pub after a hard day’s work, more often than not if people find out our profession- their first question is- “well what do you eat at home?” I’ve heard this one a lot.

Like some kind of weird human fascination that seeks to bring us down from the level of fine cooking, they secretly all want to hear us say ‘microwave lasagne’ or ‘Fray Bentos’. Almost like the unbeliever’s joyous excitement when finding their local priest in a strip club.

It’s true though. Sometimes when cooking is your day job, the last thing you want to do when you get home is fire up the oven and start chopping onions.

At the same time, sometimes it can be easy to disassociate the work space from the home space.  Work is all about bright lights, loud noises and industrial sized everything. Home is calm with soft lighting and wooden surfaces.

Put on some music, glass of red wine and you’re off.

And that’s just at work! (Got you there).

Personally I go for something simple but tasty like bruschetta with some olives, or just a quick and easy stir fry.

When talking to friends, cheese on toast (perhaps with a bit of lee and Perrins) seems to be a strong contender.

So it’s not always microwave lasagne, but there are some things about chefs eating habits that I usually refrain from telling the heathens.

According to a survey by foodnetwork we chefs are pickier than you think. Only 15% of chefs say they would eat most anything. Apparently the top things that chefs hate the most are: liver, tofu, sea urchin, aubergine and oysters.

But there you go, we are human after all!

What is your go-to home dish? Let us know below!






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